Browsing by Author Dono, Gabriele

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019(2019). Italy - Global Issues in Water PolicyDono, Gabriele ; Severini, S.; Dell'unto, D.; Cortignani, R.
2013Adapting to uncertainty associated with short-term climate variability changes in irrigated Mediterranean farming systemsDono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Doro, L.; Giraldo, L.; Ledda, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P.; Roggero Pp
2013An Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Changing Climate Variability on Agricultural Productivity and Profitability in an Irrigated Mediterranean CatchmentDono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Doro, L.; Giraldo, L.; Ledda, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P.; Roggero Pp
2025Assessing the impacts of chemicals reduction on arable farms through an integrated agro-economic modelButtinelli, Rebecca ; Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele 
2019CAP's environmental policy and land use in arable farms: An impacts assessment of greening practices changes in ItalyCortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele 
2017Complying with greening practices in the new CAP direct payments: An application on Italian specialized arable farmsCortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, Simone ; Dono, Gabriele 
2013Il Concetto di Sostenibilit e lAnalisi EconomicaDono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele 
2013Contribution of the calving interval to dairy farm profitabilityDono, Gabriele ; Giraldo, L.; Nazzaro, E.
2012The cost of irrigation water deliveryDono, Gabriele ; Giraldo, L.; Severini, Simone 
2012Economic effects of the changing regime of autumn rain onto sheep breeding farmsDono, Gabriele ; Giraldo, L.; Cortignani, R.
2013Economic effects of the introduction of a nitrate vulnerable zone in an italian areaDono, Gabriele ; Mazzapicchio, G.; Di Palo, A.
2013Effetti economici del rispetto dei vincoli della Direttiva Nitrati su aziende bovine da latte di unarea della SardegnaMazzapicchio, G.; Di Palo, A.; Dono, Gabriele 
2022Farm to Fork strategy and restrictions on the use of chemical inputs: Impacts on the various types of farming and territories of ItalyCortignani, Raffaele ; Buttinelli, Rebecca ; Dono, Gabriele 
2022Financial performance of connected Agribusiness activities in Italian agricultureDono, Gabriele ; Buttinelli, Rebecca ; Cortignani, Raffaele 
2021Financial sustainability in Italian farms: an analysis of the FADN sampleDono, Gabriele ; Buttinelli, Rebecca ; Cortignani, Raffaele 
2021Financial sustainability in Italian Organic Farms: An analysis of the FADN SampleButtinelli, Rebecca ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele 
2015Gestione sostenibile delle risorse idricheDono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, R.; Dellunto, D.; Graziano, M.
2020Greening and legume-supported crop rotations: An impacts assessment on Italian arable farmsCortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele 
2023Impacts of Environmental Targets on the Livestock Sector: An Assessment Tool Applied to ItalyDell’Unto, Davide; Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele 
2014Impatto delle pratiche del greening in diversi scenari climatici in unarea della SardegnaCortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele