Showing results 1 to 20 of 72
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | A constrained optimization model based on generalized maximum entropy to assess the impact of reforming agricultural policy on the sustainability of irrigated areas | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, Simone |
2019 | Adaptation paths to climate change (CC) for Italian agriculture in the near future: effectiveness and limits | Dono, G.; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dell’unto, D. |
2013 | Adapting to uncertainty associated with short-term climate variability changes in irrigated Mediterranean farming systems | Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Doro, L.; Giraldo, L.; Ledda, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P.; Roggero Pp |
2018 | Agricultural policy and climate change: An integrated assessment of the impacts on an agricultural area of Southern Italy | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, G. |
2011 | An extended PMP model to analyze farmers adoption of deficit irrigation under environmental payments | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, S. |
2013 | An Integrated Assessment of the Impacts of Changing Climate Variability on Agricultural Productivity and Profitability in an Irrigated Mediterranean Catchment | Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Doro, L.; Giraldo, L.; Ledda, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P.; Roggero Pp |
2014 | Assessing the awareness of climate change as a factor of adaptation in the agricultural sector | Dono, G.; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Doro, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P. |
2025 | Assessing the impacts of chemicals reduction on arable farms through an integrated agro-economic model | Buttinelli, Rebecca ; Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele |
2011 | An attempt to modeling revenue insurance schemes at the farm level by means of Positive Mathematical Programming | Severini, S.; Cortignani, Raffaele |
2010 | Avversione al rischio e Programmazione Matematica Positiva | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, S. |
2019 | CAP's environmental policy and land use in arable farms: An impacts assessment of greening practices changes in Italy | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, Gabriele |
2017 | Complying with greening practices in the new CAP direct payments: An application on Italian specialized arable farms | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, Simone ; Dono, Gabriele |
2013 | Il Concetto di Sostenibilit e lAnalisi Economica | Dono, Gabriele ; Cortignani, Raffaele |
2020 | Covid-19 and labour in agriculture: economic and productive impacts on an agricultural area of the Mediterranean | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Carulli, G.; Dono, G. |
2024 | Curbing methane emissions from Italian cattle farms. An agroeconomic modelling simulation of alternative policy tools | Coderoni, Silvia; Dell'Unto, Davide ; Cortignani, Raffaele |
2008 | Direttiva quadro n60/2000 ed aumento del costo dellacqua in agricoltura | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, S. |
2012 | Economic Effect of the Changing Regime of autumn rains onto sheep breeding farms | Dono, G.; Giraldo, L.; Cortignani, Raffaele |
2008 | Evaluating Changes in Cropping Patterns due to the 2003 CAP Reform. An Ex-post Analysis of Different PMP Approaches Considering New Activities | Blanco , M. F.; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Severini, S. |
2012 | Evaluating productive and economic impacts of climate change variability on the farm sector of an irrigated Mediterranean area | Dono, G.; Cortignani, Raffaele ; Giraldo, L.; Doro, L.; Ledda, L.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero , P. P. |
2010 | An evaluation of the economic impact of climate change through a three-stages discrete stochastic programming model | Cortignani, Raffaele ; Dono, G.; Mazzapicchio, G.; Doro, L.; Ledda, L. |