Browsing by Author Basiricò, Loredana
Showing results 1 to 20 of 35
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Abundance of mRNA of apolipoprotein B100, apolipoprotein E, and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein in liver from periparturient dairy cows | Bernabucci, Umberto; Ronchi, Bruno; Basiricò, Loredana ; Pirazzi, Daniela; Rueca, Fabrizio; Lacetera, Nicola; Nardone, Alessandro |
2011 | Aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 affect the oxidative status of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells | Bernabucci, Umberto; Colavecchia, Luciana; Danieli, Pier Paolo; Basiricò, Loredana ; Lacetera, Nicola; Nardone, Alessandro; Ronchi, Bruno |
2023 | An innovative technique for faecal score classification based on RGB images and Artificial Intelligence algorithms | Ortenzi, Luciano ; Violino, S.; Costa, Corrado; Figorilli, Simone; Vasta, Simone; Tocci, Francesco; Moscovini, Lavinia; Basiricò, Loredana ; Evangelista, C.; Pallottino, Federico; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2021 | An overview on the use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in farm for the management of dairy cows | Chiara Evangelista; Basiricò, Loredana ; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2021 | An Overview on the Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) on Farms for the Management of Dairy Cows | Evangelista, Chiara; Basiricò, Loredana ; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2018 | Anti-inflammatory effects of conjugated linoleic acid isomers and essential fatty acids in bovine mammary epithelial cells | Daniele, Dipasquale; Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia ; Primi, Riccardo ; Arnulf, Trosher; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2020 | Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranate peel extracts on bovine mammary epithelial cells BME-UV1 | Mastrogiovanni, Fabio; Bernini, Roberta ; Basiricò, Loredana ; Bernabucci, Umberto ; Campo, Margherita; Romani, Annalisa; Santi, Luca ; Lacetera, Nicola |
2011 | Cellular thermotolerance is associated with heat shock protein 70.1 genetic polymorphisms in Holstein lactating cows | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia; Primi, Valentina; Lacetera, Nicola; Nardone, Alessandro; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2017 | Comparison between conjugated linoleic acid and essential fatty acids in preventing oxidative stress in bovine mammary epithelial cells | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, P. ; Dipasquale, D.; Tröscher, A.; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2015 | Conjugated linoleic acid isomers strongly improve the redox status of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BME-UV1) | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia ; Dipasquale, D.; Tröscher, A.; Serra, A.; Mele, M.; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2011 | Down-regulation of hepatic ApoB100 expression during hot season in transition dairy cows | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia; Lacetera, Nicola; Ronchi, Bruno; Nardone, Alessandro; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2022 | Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation on Milk Yield and Quality in Italian Mediterranean Lactating Buffaloes | Evangelista Chiara; Bernabucci, Umberto ; Basiricò, Loredana |
2018 | Effect of hot season on blood parameters, fecal fermentative parameters, and occurrence of Clostridium tyrobutyricum spores in feces of lactating dairy cows | Calamari, L.; Morera, Patrizia ; Bani, P.; Minuti, A.; Vitali, Andrea ; Basiricò, Loredana ; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2022 | Effect of Parmigiano Reggiano Consumption on Blood Pressure of Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia ; Chiara Evangelista; Gianni Galaverna; Stefano Sforza; Barbara Prandi; Bernabucci, Umberto ; Alessandro Nardone |
2015 | Effect of summer season on milk protein fractions in Holstein cows | Bernabucci, Umberto ; Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia ; Dipasquale, D.; Vitali, Andrea ; Piccioli Cappelli, F.; Calamari, L. |
2022 | Effects of season and management on fatty acid profile, ACE-inhibitory activity and anti-oxidant properties of Italian Alpine cheeses | Danieli, Pierpaolo ; Lopez, Annalaura; Bellagamba, Federica; Vetturini, Tiziana; Bernabucci, Umberto ; Ronchi, Bruno ; Moretti, Vittorio Maria; Basiricò, Loredana |
2019 | (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and hydroxytyrosol improved antioxidative and anti-inflammatory responses in bovine mammary epithelial cells | Basiricò, Loredana ; Morera, Patrizia ; Dipasquale, D.; Bernini, Roberta ; Santi, Luca ; Romani, A.; Lacetera, Nicola ; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2016 | Fate of transgenic deoxyribonucleic acid fragments in digesta and tissues of rabbits fed genetically modified soybean meal | Morera, Patrizia ; Basiricò, Loredana ; Ronchi, Bruno ; Bernabucci, Umberto |
2007 | Fatty acids affect proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in dairy cows | Lacetera, Nicola; Kuzminsky, Giorgina; Morera, Patrizia; Basiricò, Loredana |
2007 | Fatty acids affect proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in dairy cows. | Lacetera, Nicola; Kuzminsky, Giorgina; Morera, Patrizia; Basiricò, Loredana |