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Linguaggi specialistici dell'italiano
Gualdo, Riccardo; Telve, Stefano
Source Gualdo, R., Telve, S. 2011. Linguaggi specialistici dell'italiano. Roma, Carocci
Type Book
Source Gualdo, R., Telve, S. 2011. Linguaggi specialistici dell'italiano. Roma, Carocci
Type Book
La linea cellulare Caco-2 come modello “monolayer in vitro” per caratterizzare l’azione antiossidante di molecole ed estratti polifenolici di matrici alimentari, al fine di contrastare l’azione perossidativa cellulare
Nobili, Fabio
Type Doctoral Thesis
Type Doctoral Thesis
Sull'innalzamento di /a/ tonico nei dialetti costieri del Lazio meridionale
Lorenzetti, Luca
Type article
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Exploiting ELF in the English Classroom to Foster Learners' Intercultural Communicative Competence
Taglialatela, Antonio
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La voce di un Incognito. Analisi linguistica del Principe ermafrodito di Ferrante Pallavicino.
Ugolelli, Francesca
Type Thesis
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YouTube, Migrant Rappers and the Early
Cinema Aesthetics: Is There a Digital Public Sphere?
Nencioni, Giacomo
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Carta Forestale d’Italia consultabile sul web
Mattioli, Walter; Corona, Piermaria ; Romano, Raoul
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Trophic Niches, Trophic Positions, and Niche Overlaps between Non-Native and Native Fish Species in a Subalpine Lake
Cicala, Davide; Polgar, Gianluca; Mor, Jordi René; Piscia, Roberta; Brignone, Stefano; Zaupa, Silvia; Volta, Pietro
Type article
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Size-age population structure of an endangered and anthropogenically introgressed northern Adriatic population of marble trout (Salmo marmoratus Cuv.): insights for its conservation and sustainable exploitation
Polgar, Gianluca; Iaia, Mattia; Sala, Paolo; Khang, Tsung Fei; Galafassi, Silvia; Zaupa, Silvia; Volta, Pietro
Type article
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Gross mismatches between salmonid stocking and capture record data in a large Alpine lake basin in Northern Italy suggest a low stocking effectiveness for an endangered native trout
Polgar, Gianluca; Iaia, Mattia; Khang, Tsung Fei; Volta, Pietro
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Type article